When you learn the STORRIE Method™, your options are limitless:
1. Create Your Own Private, Virtual Wellness Practice
2. Create Referral Partnerships & Offer Lab Testing + Other Services
3. Offer Coaching Services in a new or existing specialty
To help you stay on track, we have created a 90 day curriculum with milestones so you can check off and celebrate how far you have come.
Download the STORRIE Method™ curriculum below.
The STORRIE Method™ eCourse
STORRIE Method™ eCourse
Learn STORRIE Method™, Create strong foundations for your Wholistic Wellness Coaching™ practice.
- Identify your niche within the field of Wholistic Wellness Coaching™
- Register your wellness practice as a business entity
- Design your wellness programs and intake process
- Brand yourself and your practice with your foundation of credibility
- Learn how to do client consults + sell your coaching services
- Learn how to use functional medicine labs and supplement companies
- Prepare to take client payments and set appointments
- Go to market and launch your virtual practice
Enroll in STORRIE MethodTM
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(Or an $800 savings when you Pay in Full for STORRIE Method!)
Welcome to the Most Important Post-Grad Education Available:
As health & wellness practitioners, we know that lasting change requires LIFESTYLE CHANGE. So why don’t we incorporate holistic health principles into our approach to care?
❌Insurance Restrictions
❌Time Restrictions
❌Clinical Restrictions
If you’ve been struggling to believe in the health and wellness solutions you’re offering, we have the solution you’ve been looking for:
Incorporate Wholistic Wellness Coaching™ with STORRIE Method™
If I practice Wholistic Wellness CoachingTM, does that interfere with my other formal training?
When you practice Wholistic WellnessTM, you are operating outside of any clinical designations you have attained in the past, and instead, you are operating under the legal umbrella of coaching, which does not require your license to practice. You are able to see “clients” (not patients) independently without jeopardizing your career or other jobs. You are working as a health coach.
Harvard Medical School has recently endorsed the field of health and wellness coaching.
*Reference Article: *Reference article: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/health-coaching-is-effective-should-you-try-it-2020040819444
What does Wholistic Wellness CoachingTM accomplish?
Wholistic Wellness Coaching gives you the skills to help your patients and clients make real change.
As modern health & wellness practitioners, we know there’s more to the health story than pills and surgery. Lifestyle impacts everything but making a lifestyle change is easier said than done. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I should eat better.” without taking action?
That’s because getting a person to make a lifestyle change requires more than an expert’s “recommendation”. It requires your client to have a change of perspective. When you learn how to coach your client to a successful outcome, you are able to accomplish so much with your clients, including helping your clients to:
- Understand laboratory test results
- Manage chronic conditions
- Implement new lifestyle changes
- Address lifestyle patterns that may be causing stress
- Identifying the lifestyle-related root causes of their discomfort
- Motivate clients to adopt a holistic point of view in their health and wellness
The NY Times has recently endorsed health coaching.
“We Could All Use a Health Coach.”
Health coaches can give patients the tools they need to improve their own care and well-being, but they aren’t widely available.
“The doctor may tell a patient ‘eat less, exercise more, take your medicine and come back in three months,’ but not how to execute this plan,” said Dr. Rushika Fernandopulle, a primary care doctor in Hyannis, Mass.
*Reference Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/07/well/live/health-coach-benefits.html
Enroll in STORRIE MethodTM
For a limited time, purchase the STORRIE Method and receive a coupon good for $500 OFF my HTMA course!
(Or an $800 savings when you Pay in Full for STORRIE Method!)
What happens when I complete
the STORRIE Method™ training?
As a clinician or holistic wellness practitioner who has the courage to stand for lasting health and wellness, we are so proud to provide you with a STORRIE MethodTM certificate of completion. After this training is complete, you will have a 360-degree understanding of exactly what you need to do to succeed as a Wholistic Wellness CoachTM.
The STORRIE Method™ eCourse
In this online course, you'll create a strong foundational of a wholistic wellness practice that creates more impact for your clients and higher levels of satisfaction, better work-life balance, and less burnout for you.
JOIN NOW!To help you stay on track, we have created a 90 day curriculum with milestones so you can check off and celebrate how far you have come.
Download the STORRIE Method™ curriculum below.
Enroll in STORRIE MethodTM
For a limited time, purchase the STORRIE Method and receive a coupon good for $500 OFF my HTMA course!
(Or an $800 savings when you Pay in Full for STORRIE Method!)

What is Wholistic Wellness CoachingTM?
At STORRIE InstituteTM, we’ve brought an important distinction to the field of health coaching:
Wholistic Wellness CoachingTM is the method of providing strategic, informational, and motivational support in assisting a person to achieve their health goals, while specifically focusing on the return to a natural state of health by adopting a lifestyle that supports the body’s innate ability to heal and thrive
Our hope is that by integrating the proven success of the coaching industry with essential and underutilized holistic wellness principles, we can create major advancements in our ability to restore quality of life around the world.
Book Authors - 30+
Certified Clinicians 50+
Established 2020
Led by Dr. Christine Manukyan
What is The STORRIE Institute™?
You won’t have to give up the years of education, money, and time you’ve invested in your career. Functional Medicine complements your medical training, while giving you options above and beyond what insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and traditional medical practices can offer. We give you the tools and training you need to order, interpret, and provide recommendations for wholistic wellness-specific labs. You will become the go-to expert in your chosen area of expertise - your “zone of genius” - which include areas like Diabetes, CBD, HypnoBreathwork®, autoimmune, or nutrigenomics, to deepen your ability to add value to your field of medicine and provide holistic options and solutions to your clients.
For a limited time, purchase the STORRIE Method and receive a coupon good for $500 OFF my HTMA course!
(Or an $800 savings when you Pay in Full for STORRIE Method!)
Why enroll with STORRIE Institute™ when there are other choices available?
STORRIE Institute™ is the world’s leading wholistic wellness business coaching and certification for healthcare practitioners, holistic professionals and coaches. We combine the most cutting-edge, evidence-based wholistic wellness practices with the most advanced entrepreneurship essentials and training on the market. In plain language, STORRIE Method™ offers the widest variety of business mentorship, disruptive strategy, and entrepreneurship essentials, along with the coursework, coaching, community, accountability and mentorship you need to successfully build a financially viable, ultra-profitable wellness practice, should you choose to do so.
For a limited time, purchase the STORRIE Method and receive a coupon good for $500 OFF my HTMA course!
(Or an $800 savings when you Pay in Full for STORRIE Method!)
What do I learn during my
STORRIE Method™ training?
STORRIE MethodTM is a simple, step-by-step approach to building a highly profitable private, virtual wellness practice from scratch, no matter what you choose for your desired area of focus.
Module 1: S - START WITH YOU
Learning Objective: The goal of this module is to explore the field of Wholistic Wellness CoachingTM to determine their area of practice.
- Explore the field of Wholistic Wellness CoachingTM
- Choose your area of practice
- Define your zone of genius
- Describe your ideal client
- Outline how you’ll create health and wellness transformation
Learning Objective: The goal of this module is to gently reorganize your schedule to ensure your personal health and business success are top priorities.
- Name your wellness practice
- Register your wellness practice as a business entity
- Restructure your calendar to accommodate learning + growth
- Set your business goals
- Align your personal wellness routines
Learning Objective: The goal of this module is to design your brand and properly represent your expertise in order to attract clients and publicity opportunities.
- Define your brand promise
- Write your expert bio
- Choose your branding
- Design your web presence
- Set yourself up to gain visibility in your field
Learning Objective: The goal of this module is to formalize your wellness practice, design your programs, and prepare to see clients.
- Learn to do deep dive consults
- Create your client intake process
- Design your wellness programs
- Identify your signature process
- Learn to use labs and supplement companies, if applicable
Learning Objective: The goal of this module is to launch your practice, so you’re ready to take client payment and begin seeing clients virtually.
- Cover your legal bases
- Plan to announce your practice
- Prepare your finances
- Prepare to take client payments
- Set up your appointment scheduling
Learning Objective: The goal of this module is to provide a variety of ways for students to create additional streams of income in their wellness practices, beyond private one-on-one sessions.
- Increase revenue with existing clients
- Create customer rewards + referral programs
- Leverage group programs and VIP Days
- Develop online courses & digital products with your expertise
- Generate additional income with corporate consulting
Learning Objective: The goal of this module is to integrate energetics into your business and reverse engineer your next career steps, so you can continue to expand your notoriety and impact.
- Celebrate your successes
- Define your next-level vision
- Learn to delegate low-level tasks to an assistant
- Explore the potential of hiring a team
- Learn to represent yourself on the world stage
Learn the importance of energetics to avoid burnout & overwhelm as an entrepreneur
Learn how to integrate energetics into your wellness practice
STORRIE Method ™ is your next evolution.
Join the wholistic wellness revolution today.
For a limited time, purchase the STORRIE Method and receive a coupon good for $500 OFF my HTMA course!
(Or an $800 savings when you Pay in Full for STORRIE Method!)